Friday, July 23, 2010

Summertime Changes

This summer has brought changes to my life that threaten my identity.  For eight years I have been the sole (soul!) pastor of a rural church.  For six years I've been raising grandchildren.  I've had adult children sharing my house, my driveway, and my refrigerator. 

This summer all of those identities have changed.  My children have moved to their own separate places.  The grandchildren are living with their mother in a different town.  I am no longer pastor of that church.  Who am I now? 

Blessedly, God's Word answers the question of "Who am I?" without reference to roles, jobs, or human relationships.  God says, "I have called you by name; you are mine."

What a relief: my identity is centered in God!   God knows my name -- even the nicknames.  I belong to God.  I don't belong to my church, my children, or my grandchildren.  I belong to God.

Despite the summertime changes, my identity is sure.  On the days when I sit alone in a new apartment without toys or picture books or dirty glasses; when there is no deadline to choose a scripture, develop illustrations, or craft a sermon; when there is no list of people to visit or meetings to attend -- I still have an identity.  I belong to Someone who loves me, knows me, and wants me.

This month I plan to take advantage of the summertime changes and fall in love with God all over again.  After all, I belong to God!